


- Innovation Management
- Innovations for High-Technology Industry

Training terms: 4 years

Qualification (degree): Bachelor

Innovation studies (innovatics) is the main trend of 21-st century. Innovators know how to estimate the outcomes of an idea, protect it from illegal copying, define best ways of its realization, attract investors, be protected from possible risks, organize production, provide quality of a product. This knowledge is necessary in projects and personnel management, business planning, system analysis, and business engineering activity, as well as at patent and legal protection of innovative activity results.

The area of bachelor’s professional activities includes:
- innovative development of the country, regions, territories, branches and enterprises of national economy:
- processes of innovative transformations;
- innovative activity infrastructure;
- information and engineering services for innovative activity;
- financial, regulatory and legal security of innovative activity;
- innovative ventures.

Subjects of bachelor’s professional activities are:
- corporate, regional and interregional, industry, cross-industry, federal and international innovative projects and programs;
- innovative projects of creation of competitive production of goods and services;
- innovative projects of business process reengineering;
- innovative projects of territorial development;
- projects and processes of forecasting of innovative development and adaptation of production and economic systems to innovations;
- projects and processes of development and use of new products and services, advanced technologies, new types of resources, up-to-date industrial engineering forms and techniques and management, new markets and their possible combinations;
- projects on innovation commercialization;
- software tools for all phases of innovative projects management;
- formation, scientific and technical development of innovative small business enterprises.

The bachelor in “Innovation Studies” is trained for the following types of professional activities:
- production and technology,
- organization and management,
- experimental and research activity,
- design and construction.

The higher educational institution, the trained, scientific and pedagogical staff of the university, and associations of employers define particular types of professional activity of bachelor training.

Upon graduation, those who have passed successfully final state certification apart from qualification (degree) "Bachelor", are appropriated a special title of "Bachelor-Engineer".