The university has a modern concept of education based on a single information educational space using exclusive technologies and innovations in science and the educational process.
The training of bachelors, masters and specialists is conducted in 38 specialties and areas in 5 educational programs of secondary vocational education, 16 educational programs of bachelor's degree, 3 educational programs of specialist degree, 9 educational programs of master's degree, 12 educational programs of postgraduate and doctoral studies. Currently, over 5600 students and postgraduate students are studying at the university.
The University trains higher education specialists with specific knowledge and competencies across the entire spectrum of geospatial activities, innovatively oriented towards knowledge-intensive production, capable of independent work in various areas of science, technology, engineering, in economic and social sectors.
SSUGT successfully implements programs of additional professional education in the field of mine surveying, geodesy and remote sensing of land, cadastral activities and real estate transactions, cartography and geoinformatics, environmental and technosphere safety, and jurisprudence. Modern educational technologies and the use of the latest teaching methods guarantee that students will master new competencies and improve their existing knowledge within the framework of their professional activities.
Specialists who graduated from the university are in demand on the labor market and successfully work in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, as well as in other regions of Russia, near and far abroad. Graduates of SSUGT are among the highest paid specialists.