
A competency center for robotics has opened at SSUGT

On April 24, the opening of the Competence Center for Robotics took place at the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies. The grand opening of the Center was attended by the Minister of Digital Development and Communications of the Novosibirsk Region Sergei Sergeevich Tsukar, the Director of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Aleksandrovich Marchenko, the rector of the university Alexander Petrovich Karpik and other representatives of the university.

The objectives of the center are to train young personnel to organize R&D in the field of robotic systems, create educational programs for the entire education cycle: from schoolchildren to students and working professionals, conduct scientific research in the field of navigation of robotic devices and complexes, develop new methods for localizing robotic devices in space with using artificial intelligence technologies, constructing terrain maps using mobile platforms and solving current problems: development of a road sign recognition system, image recognition tasks for mobile robots, computer vision algorithms and others.

The center is equipped with a special testing ground, consisting of three thematic zones for testing technical vision algorithms and autonomous navigation of robots. With its help, it is possible to prepare students to solve problems that simulate the problems of the big challenges of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation, by creating autonomous and semi-autonomous robots within the framework of competition scenarios.

During the meeting, 3rd year students of information systems and technologies demonstrated thematic zones of the test site: a greenhouse zone with an autonomous harvesting robot, a medical labyrinth with an autonomous medicine delivery robot, and a city traffic zone with an autonomous robot car and a patrolling copter. Previously, the training ground with which the new Center was equipped was received by SSUGT as a prize for first place in the All-Russian youth robotics competition “RTK Cup: Major League”.

– The most important thing is that the guys performed in Sochi as part of the youth congress. All the infrastructure that was presented as part of the competition is now presented here and will actually be used by students, applicants and schoolchildren. The guys pass on their knowledge because it is extremely important. We will try to help you establish connections with industrial partners,” commented the Minister of Digital Development and Communications of the Novosibirsk Region, Sergei Sergeevich Tsukar.

In turn, the director of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Marchenko, proposed opening a department on the basis of SSUGT under personal supervision, which will be aimed at transferring competencies to teachers in the field of geospatial modeling.

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