  • SSUGT news
  • A festival of the regional project “I choose the future of Russia” was held at SSUGT

A festival of the regional project “I choose the future of Russia” was held at SSUGT

The Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies became one of the organizers of the regional festival “With the Whole Family” held as part of the regional project “I Choose the Future of Russia”. As part of the festival, on the days of the presidential elections, a “Fair of Firsts” was held. The event assumed an interactive format in which each participant could take an active position.

The United Trade Union Committee held a quiz “Familiar and Native” for fair participants. Patriotic Club “I’m Proud!” provided the opportunity for anyone who wanted to write a letter to a soldier. The technical lyceum at SSUGiT organized the creation of memorable mascots for SVO participants, and held competitions “The whole family to the start!” and designed an interactive map of Russia, on which one could leave the best wishes to the Motherland. The Center for Culture and Creativity prepared patriotic songs, which were performed by students. The Panthers student sports club held a sports quiz and arm wrestling. And the student teams prepared a quiz related to Russia.

Also during these days, a gala concert dedicated to Russia took place, at which the rector of the university, Alexander Karpik, noted that SSUGiT has created a comfortable environment both for unlocking the student’s potential in the educational sphere and for unlocking the potential in the creative field. He also indicated that he was proud of his students and thanked all participants for their active life position.

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