  • SSUGT news
  • Head of the Youth Policy Department of the NSO S.V. Fedorchuk held a meeting with students of SSUGT, dedicated to the achievements of the Novosibirsk region over the past decades and problem areas in the field of youth policy

Head of the Youth Policy Department of the NSO S.V. Fedorchuk held a meeting with students of SSUGT, dedicated to the achievements of the Novosibirsk region over the past decades and problem areas in the field of youth policy

On February 16, at the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, a meeting was held on the discussion platform between the head of the youth policy department of the Novosibirsk region, Sergei Vladimirovich Fedorchuk, and university students. Also present at the meeting were: Chairman of the NROO RSM - E.N. Mironenko, youth work specialist, public opinion leader at SSUGiT - M.O. Rutkovskaya, Deputy Chairman of MolPrav NSO - D.A. Kataeva, head of the regional headquarters of the NRO NGO “Young Guard of United Russia” - D.A. Luzgin. In addition, S.V. Fedorchuk held a separate meeting with the leaders of student associations.

Sergei Vladimirovich indicated to the students that each person is responsible for his own future, and the future of the country depends on the active involvement of citizens in the election of the head of state. The leader called for awareness among young students and noted that the main value today is people, team, family. And it is prestigious to be a patriot of Russia. Sergei Vladimirovich wished the students to find themselves in their calling and get the opportunity to realize themselves as individuals.

According to the chairman of the NROO RSM, Evgeniy Mironenko, a person is happy when he grows in his profession, an activity that he likes, and can also influence his life and be involved in positive changes in his country. In addition, the speakers spoke about forecasts for the development of the region in the field of youth policy for the next 5-6 years and for this year.

Students were able to ask the speakers exciting questions, and those who excelled received small prizes from the leader.

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