
SSUGT expands scientific cooperation

As part of scientific cooperation, in accordance with a letter dated November 18, 2022, the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies became a member of the Interuniversity Scientific and Coordinating Council on the Problem of Erosion, Channel and Estuary Processes at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

The Council was established in 1984 as a coordination of universities - co-executors of the research plan of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education in the direction "Geography" (hydrometeorological section) - "Research of channel processes on rivers and in estuaries and development of methods for their accounting for various sectors of the national economy."

The main task of the council is to coordinate research work of universities of various profiles (universities, hydrometeorological, pedagogical, agricultural, technical, transport, etc.) on erosion, channel and estuarine processes, harmonize research plans and programs on this issue, provide methodological assistance in setting research, as well as in the training and retraining of specialists, including highly qualified.

The Council unites more than 60 universities in Russia, the CIS and other countries. The board consists of scientists who are engaged in research on the problem or who teach relevant courses. Representatives of universities from the CIS countries and other countries are members of the Council as associate members.

Responsible for cooperation on the part of SGUGiT is Vladimir Khamedov, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management.


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