
Standardization and Metrology

Profile “Standardization and Metrology”

Training term: 4 years

Qualification (degree) of the graduate: bachelor

Any developed country uses standardization and metrology to improve the growth and power of the state. They help resolve the issues on increase of production efficiency, and quality of production. Standardization and metrology influence the quality of life considerably. A properly organized process of standardization in metrology and metrological services promotes development of the enterprises in all fields of human activity.

The area of bachelor’s professional activities includes:
- establishment, implementation and control of standards, rules and requirements to production (service), technological process of production, application (consumption), transportation and utilization;
- participation in the development of metrological support, metrological control and supervision focused on maintenance of measurement standartization, high quality and safety of production (service), high economic efficiency based on modern methods of quality management according to the requirements of operation and safety;
- participation in the development of quality control systems for specific conditions of production and product sales on the basis of domestic and international standard documentation;
- ensuring the functioning of systems confirming the compliance of production, processes and services to the approved requirements.

Subjects of bachelor’s professional activities are:
- production (services) and technological processes;
- equipment of the enterprises and businesses, metrological and test laboratories;
- methods and means of measuring, testing and control;
- technical regulation; systems of standardization, certification and quality management; metrological support of scientific, production, social and ecological activities;
- standard documentation.

The bachelor in “Standardization and Metrology” is trained for the following types of professional activities:
- production and technology,
- organization and administration,
- research,
- design and construction.

The higher educational institution, the trained, scientific and pedagogical staff of the university, and associations of employers define particular types of professional activity of bachelor training.

Upon graduation, those who have passed successfully final state certification apart from qualification (degree) "bachelor", are appropriated a special title of "bachelor-engineer".